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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***


Regular attendance and punctuality are important for good progress in school.


Bridgend County Borough Council has launched an initiative to improve school attendance

Click the link below for more help, advice and support with school attendance.

School attendance - Bridgend CBC

Where a child is unable to attend school through illness, parents are asked to inform the school by 9:30am on the first day of your child’s absence. This is particularly important for Progression Step 3 pupils who may make their own way to school.


You can report your childs absence using one of the following ways:

  • by telephone on 01656 815880 (please a message on our absence line, option 1)
  • by email to admin@coychurchps,
  • via the School Gateway app (please go 'Reporting - Attendance')


Failure to report your child’s absence may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Officer.


Where a child has an appointment, such as at the dentist or hospital, please try to arrange these outside school hours, but if it is unavoidable, please notify the school in advance (this can be done via the School Gateway app). Any absence without notification from the parents will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.


In the case of long absenteeism due to illness, arrangements can be made to supply work for your child.


Whilst the school recognises that family holidays are much cheaper during term time, all parents are strongly discouraged from taking their pupils away from school during the term time for holidays. Holidays during term time must be authorised by the Headteacher.  Please use the form below to submit your leave of absence request, ideally giving us 2 weeks notice. Paper copies are also available from the school office.


Research suggests that any absence over 5% of the school year (10 days) has a negative effect on pupils’ progress. At Coychurch Primary, our attendance has improved steadily in recent years. Our target is to ensure that pupil attendance is consistently above 97%.  The School Gateway app will enable you to monitor your child’s attendance on a weekly basis (under ‘Reporting’) and once a term the school will also provide you with an attendance update.  


From the age of 5, all pupils are required to attend full time school by law. Our registers are monitored every term by the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer (EWO) who may request to see parents to enquire as to the reasons for low attendance or poor punctuality.

School Attendance Policy 2024

Pencoed Cluster Attendance Newsletter

Common Infections - Recommended time to keep pupils from school

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