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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***

Learn it's


You must practise your LEARN ITS at home EVERY day for 15 minutes.

You need to know them as well as you know your own name!!


Reception Learn Its 1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8 5+5=10 2+1=3 2+3=5 Count in 10s 5s and 2s


Year 1 Learn Its 1+9=10 2+8=10 3+7=10 4+6=10 4+2=6 5+2=7 6+2=8 7+2=9 8+2=10 9+2=11 4+3=7 5+3=8 6+3=9 6+6=12 7+7=14 8+8=16 9+9=18 Counting in 10s 5s and 2s


Year 2 Learn Its 4+7=11 4+9=13 4+8=12 3+8=11 3+9=12 5+4=9 5+6=11 6+7=13 8+7=15 8+9=17 5+7=12 5+8=13 6+8=14 5+9=14 6+9=15 7+9=16 X10 X5 X2 Tables


Year 3 X3 X4 X9 Table

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