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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***


Our PE days this year are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please send children into school with either a white or their house coloured t-shirt, black or navy joggers or shorts and trainers. We will be completing activities inside and outside and so they will need a coat in the winter months. We ask that girls hair be tied back on these days and that no jewellery is worn.


We encourage active travel, and the children are welcome to ride their bikes and scooters to school, please ensure that they have a helmet. We have been working on scooter skills and safety when traveling by bike or scooter during our Autumn PE lessons.


Each day the child take part in the daily mile to encourage an active life style and 'Healthy confident individuals'.

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