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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***

Dosbarth Mrs Rhys-Williams

Dosbarth Mrs Rhys-Williams

Class Teacher - Mrs Rhys-Williams

Classroom Support - Miss Richards and Mr Barrett



Hydref/Autumn Term 2024


Our Autumn Term Topic is Cynefin – This is me!


Croeso yn ol! Welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely summer and are looking forward to the new school year. We have sent home information about the school days etc.

This information can also be found on our class Microsoft Class Teams page.


All children will have access to our Microsoft Teams Class page, where we will share resources to support your child at home, such as our medium-term planning, homework grids, and spelling words. We will also share photos of the children’s learning and activities.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school or speak to a member of the team. 

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