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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***

School Gateway App


Please could you download this new app to your phone (it’s free!) to help us improve
communication with parents – it will also help us stay eco-friendly, while saving the school money, by
reducing the number of paper letters that are sent home.


The set-up process is simple and will take no more than a couple of minutes:

1. Download the app to your phone:
Apple iPhone users, download the app here:
Android phone users, download the app here:

2. Install the app and if you are asked then say yes to “Allow Push Notifications”

3. When you launch School Gateway for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and enter the email
address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the school.


As part of School Gateway’s security process, the system automatically checks for a match between the
email and mobile linked to your School Gateway account and the email and mobile information stored in
the school system.

4. The system will send a PIN code to your phone; please enter this PIN code and the app will be activated for you.

As soon as you’ve got the system set-up, all of the text messages we send you will appear in the app; you’ll receive notifications/alerts as normal.

If you’ve recently changed your email address or mobile telephone number, please let us know so we can update our records at school.

Once you’re set up you will be able to receive push notifications from the school, sign consents online for
trips/visits, report your child’s absence via the app, pay for school trips/after school clubs and more!


If you are experiencing any issues with SchoolComms please contact the school office.

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