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*** Rags2Riches Collection 23rd January 2025***Inset Day 21st February 2025***Half Term Holidays 24th February - 28th February 2025***

Healthy School

Coychurch Primary has been part of the Healthy School Scheme since 2008.  In July 2019 we acheived NQA status which was successfully reverified in July 2022.


As a ‘Healthy School’ we take responsibility for maintaining and promoting the health of all who ‘learn, work, play and live’ within it not only by formally teaching pupils about how to lead healthy lives but by enabling pupils and staff to take control over aspects of the school environment which influence their health.


We actively promote, protect and embed the physical, mental and social health and well being of its community through positive action.


As a Healthy School we focus on a number of key area, these include

  1. Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing
  2. Safety
  3. Hygiene
  4. Environment
  5. Personal Development and Relationships
  6. Substances
  7. Food and Fitness
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